"At Home with Julie & Barb"

Our Fall work schedule has begun so we will be in the shop together every Wednesday and Thursday. Our college girls are back to school (one at Bowling Green and one on an intership at DisneyWorld.) Our first employees to make the Secret Garden come to life in 2004 are retiring this week. It's a year full of changes. Barb has been working hard to get all her strength back from her heart attack and has been in a real creative display type of mood. So needless to say that the old summer displays have come back to life. Julie has been sketching the shops getting ready to move everything around for the Fall. Back to school time definitely gets you in the mood. We just finished selling at the DuPage All Night Flea Market. Lots of work but some fun was had when our friends and family came to visit, otherwise a total non-moneymaker. Think we'll try a different flea market next month. Fall is always busy for us because it's our favorite time of year. Both our birthdays are in November (1 & 4) so our hearts are always ready for Autumn. Our next big thing is the Fall Premier on September 10th. We are trying to come up with some awesome displays. See you soon!

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